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Canon 4515C005 kameraobjektiv SLR Sort

SKU: 1000621954
EAN: 4549292181623

Canon 4515C005, 6/5, Billedstabilisator, Canon RF
Mere info
2.019,00 DKK Ex. moms: 1.615,20 DKK På lager


The RF 50mm F1.8 STM is a compact and highly versatile RF prime lens capable of high quality images. The wide aperture gives this lens excellent low-light prowess which means you’ll be able to keep it on your camera all day long, even when light levels drop. With a fixed 50 mm focal length offering a neutral perspective and remarkable close focusing to capture details close at hand, you’ll soon discover new creative possibilities and take your photography to a whole new level. The lens is small, light and quiet thanks to a redesign of optics for its RF mount and STM motor and is ideal for advancing your skills as a photographer.


Komponent til SLR
Objektivstruktur (elementer/grupper) 6/5
Mindste blænderåbnimg tal 22
Nærmeste fokuseringsafstand 0,3 m
Maksimale blænderåbning tal 1,8
Grænseflade til montering af objektiv Canon RF
Fast brændvidde 50 mm
Antal membranblade 7
Antal asfæriske elementer 1
Billedstabilisator Ja
Billedstabilisator antal stop 7
Kameramærker kompatibilitet Canon
Maksimal forstørrelse 0,25x
Produktfarve Sort
Betragtningsvinkel 46°
Diameter 6,92 cm
Filterstørrelse 43 mm
Længde 40,5 mm
Vægt 160 g