Automatic Batch Scanning
It can scan four slides and 6 image frames of one film strip at once.
Brilliant image quality
The OpticFim 135i offers the well-known and striking image quality of Plustek film scanner product series. Its well-designed optical system brings better picture quality, greater light sensitivity, and lower image noise.
7200 dpi Resolution
The optical resolution is tested and ensured by USAF 1951. Plustek OpticFilm 135i scanning resolution ranges from 600 dpi to 7200 dpi. With the maximum 7200 dpi optical resolution, an output of up to 69.2 megapixel images (10224px * 6748px) and more.
48 bit Color Depth
More smooth colors to work with for further image processing
Built-in Infrared Channel
Detecting the dust and scratches on the film source image