Brother offers technical support through an easy-to-use and free mobile App, Brother SupportCenter as well as a full service web site, Brother Solutions Centre.
Brother offers technical support through an easy-to-use and free mobile App, Brother SupportCenter as well as a full service web site, Brother Solutions Centre.
Type | On-site |
Antal år | 4 År |
On-site support | Ja |
Kapabilitet | Color Laser |
Mandag-fredag: 08:00 - 16:00
Lørdag, søndag & helligdage:
Vi har ingen fysisk butik.
Afhentning kun efter aftale.
Harløsevej 171
3400 Hillerød
CVR: 39804174
Tlf: 60 30 50 50
Vi har ingen fysisk butik.
Afhentning kun efter aftale.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]